Congenital Knee Dislocation

What is Congenital Dislocation of Knee?

Congenital dislocation of the knee is a rare condition where a baby is born with their kneecap out of place. It's like the kneecap is sitting in the wrong spot from the very beginning. This can cause problems with the knee joint and how it works.

Imagine the knee joint as a hinge. The kneecap is like a little cap that helps the hinge move smoothly. In this condition,that cap is in the wrong place, which can make it hard for the knee to bend and straighten properly.

It's important to see a doctor if this is suspected, as early treatment can help improve the knee's function.

Congenital Knee Dislocation Treatment

What Causes CDK?

While the exact cause of congenital dislocation of the knee isn't always clear, it's often linked to other problems a baby might have. These can include:

What are Symptoms of CDK?

Babies born with this condition usually have a knee that is:

How is this treated?

Treatment depends on the severity of the condition and often involves a team of doctors, including orthopedic surgeons.Possible treatments include:

It's important to remember that this is a rare condition and treatment outcomes can vary. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to improving the child's long-term outlook.

Congenital Knee Dislocation

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